marți, 23 aprilie 2013

motivational quote.....

As today I woke up with a crazy need to go out on the field and run...and run...and tumble in the tall grass, but of course I cannot, as I had to come to work....I came to work and changed my mozilla persona with a photo with a field and wild flowers...
and I am still dreaming of something like this...
And so, my motivational quote for this day is

                                      Eat your Veggies, Ignite your Spark and Live like you Mean It!
 inspirated by this book:
which I would love to read.....but for now my list of reading is surely consistent enough...I may even post it sometimes...
Yesterday I had some vegetable soup with some meat in it...and some boilled potatoes with onions and sour cream in the that's one blow out of my diet...but this morning I am proud to say that I've started my green clay detox diet...
So I've prepared a glass with tap water with the content of one satchel

and left it rest over night and drank it in the morning...I just left the clay on the bottom of the glass, as I am not yet prepared to drink the entire content....
     And I am also not proud about the fact that today I gave in to temptation and had a salad with spicy chicken breast.....yes...I am also disappointed with myself..but I'm trying to not let myself go I still eat alot of veggies too! I don't want to make an excuse of it, just a motivation!
That would be all for now...

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